


来源:“颁鲍惭颁颁厂厂础”微信公众号 时间:2017-06-08

第八届国产一区二区三区视频精品生命科学(与医学)北美年会 (又名国产一区二区三区视频精品生科北美校友年会) 即将于2017 年 7 月22 日于美国纽约市的康奈尔大学威尔医学院举行。获取年会详细信息,请点击 http://pkubio.org/nyc2017/



● 国产一区二区三区视频精品生命科学学院院长吴虹教授

● 国产一区二区三区视频精品生命科学学院教授,国产一区二区三区视频精品生命科学学院校友会主席许崇任教授

● 哥伦比亚大学生物科学系主任童亮教授

● Executive Director & Head of External R&DInnovation – Asia, Pfizer Worldwide Research & Development, Pfizer 丁元华博士

● SVP and Head of Consulting, AmericaPharmaceuticals and Diagnostics, GlobalData 胡兴华博士

● “自由潜女神”,六项中国国家纪录保持者,PFI(Performance Freediving International)中国区总教练陆文婕博士

● 以及其他一些受篇幅限制未能列出的主讲人。





Countdown starts on the 8th PKUBio-Net Symposium (PKU Bio-Net 2017)!

This year’s symposium will be held on Saturday July 22nd, 9 AM – 5:30 PMat Weill Cornell Medical College Uris Auditorium, New York, NY, USA. Information about the symposium can be found at http://pkubio.org/nyc2017/.

PKU Bio-Net Symposium is an annual meetinghosted by Peking University School of Life Sciences alumni living in the UnitedStates and Canada. Since 2009, almost every year a symposium has been organizedby the undergraduate class of alumni that had graduated for 10 years. Thepurpose of this tradition is to strengthen relationships among the alumni fromall over North America as well as friends and life sciences professionalsaround the world. It also provides alumni of Peking University Life Sciences aswell as other life sciences professionals an excellent platform for networkingand sharing information regarding the latest development in the biology arenaand career opportunities.

Invited speakers of this year’s symposiuminclude:

● Dr. Hong Wu, Dean, School of Life Sciences,Peking University

● Dr. Chong-Ren Xu, Professor, School of Life Sciences / President of theAlumni Association of School of Life Sciences, Peking University

● Dr. Tong Liang, WilliamR. Kenan, Jr. Professor and Chair of Biological Sciences Department at ColumbiaUniversity in the City of New York

● Dr. Yuan-Hua Ding, Executive Director & Headof External R&D Innovation – Asia, Pfizer Worldwide Research &Development, Pfizer

● Dr. Sean Hu, SVP and Head of Consulting, AmericaPharmaceuticals and Diagnostics, GlobalData

● Dr. Wenjie Lu, Freediving World Champion, PFI(Performance FreedivingInternational)Regional Director in China

● and many more…

Other highly prestigious speakers from academiaand healthcare industry will also share their knowledge and experience, withtopics including academic breakthroughs, drug development, intellectualproperty, healthcare policy, and entrepreneurship.

To register for the symposium, please go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pku-bionet-symposium-2017-tickets-34069708415 (Click “Read More”)

If you would like to know further about thissymposium, please contact us at pkubionet2017@gmail.com