

讲座通知 | 俄罗斯与西方的对峙:权利 政策 人民


权利 政策 人民 迈克尔·麦克法尔
前驻俄罗斯美国大使Michael McFaul


日期:2015年7月6日 (周一)
时间:17:00 – 18:30


近三十年来,美国总统都认为冷战结束后美国会迎来了与莫斯科合作的新时代。同时,俄罗斯领导人也试图深化与美国的关系。然而,现在美国和俄罗斯的关系已经达到了一个新的低谷。 美国和欧洲领导人因为乌克兰危机正在对俄罗斯实施前所未有的强制措施。 在另一方,俄罗斯领导们也把美国看作为一个对手。究竟发生了什么事?三十年前的冷战结怎么演变成了俄美之间的冲突?在此演讲中,McFaul教授将从他的学术生涯中领会的理论知识以及自己作为美国政府官员的实践经验借鉴,来将探讨并解释双方之间冲突的发展。

麦克法尔于1995年加入斯坦福大学任教,曾担任过NBC新闻分析师。2009 – 2012年,进入奥巴马政府,作为白宫总统特别助理兼俄罗斯及欧亚事务的国家安全委员会高级总监。2012-2014年担任美国驻俄罗斯联邦大使。曾撰写过许多书籍,其中包括《我们为何以及如何向海外推行民主》;与凯瑟琳·斯托纳合著《从比较的视角看民主化转型》;与詹姆斯·古德基尔合著《权力及目的:冷战后美国对俄政策》;《未完成的俄罗斯革命:从戈尔巴乔夫到普京的政治变化》等。目前的研究包括美国外交政策,大国关系,民主和发展的关系等。麦克福尔博士出生并成长于美国西北部蒙大拿州。1986年,他获得斯坦福大学国际关系和斯拉夫语学士学位,并获苏联与东欧研究硕士。作为一名罗氏学者,他于1991年获牛津大学国际关系博士学位。



网上: http://scpku.fsi.stanford.edu/events/explaining-new-confrontation-between-russia-and-west
电邮: lapli@stanford.edu


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Explaining the New Confrontation between Russia and the West
Power. Policy. People


Michael McFaul
Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia
Director, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University Date: July 6, 2015 (Monday)
Time: 17:00 – 18:30
Venue: Stanford Center at Peking University
Language: English with Chinese Simultaneous Translation


For thirty years, American presidents believed that the end of the Cold War ushered in a new era of cooperation with Moscow. In parallel, Russian leaders also sought to deepen ties with the United States. Today, however, U.S.-Russia relations have reached a new low, with American and European leaders instituting unprecedented coercive measures against Russia and Russian leaders describing the U.S as an adversary. What happened? How did we go from the end of the Cold War thirty years ago to a new period of confrontation? In his lecture, Professor McFaul will examine several explanations for this tragic set of developments, drawing on both his theoretical knowledge from his academic career as well as his practical experiences as a U.S. government official.

Michael McFaul is the director of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, professor of political science, the Peter and Helen Bing Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, all at Stanford University. McFaul served for five years in the Obama administration, first as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Russian and Eurasian Affairs at the National Security Council at the White House (2009-2012) and then as U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation (2012-2014).




EMAIL: lapli@stanford.edu



Stanford Center at Peking University, The Lee Jung Sen Building, Langrun Yuan, Peking University


Note: Please bring a photo ID and enter PKU through the Northeast Gate. Directional signage will be available starting from this gate. Pre-registration (Tel: 10-62744170) for vehicle entrance inside the campus is required.