


来源:国产一区二区三区视频精品新闻网 时间:2014-03-31


为了实现光与表面等离激元耦合的调控,张家森课题组的研究主要集中在光学缝隙纳米天线,他们在对光学缝隙纳米天线的共振特性进行详细研究的基础之上,由杨景博士等提出了利用非对称光学缝隙纳米天线对实现对光的耦合和辐射方向的调控。天线对由在金膜上制备的两个不同长度的缝隙纳米天线组成,它们具有不同的共振波长,同一频率的电磁场入射到天线上将产生不同的相位,从而实现光与表面等离激元耦合中方向的调控。通过这种方法首先实现了表面等离激元的单向激发,消光比达到40以上;同时实现了表面等离激元辐射光的方向的调控。他们设计了一种显示表面等离激元传播方向的全光显示器件,证明了这种结构在应用上的潜力。该项研究成果发表在《纳米快报》上【Nano Letters 14, 704-709 (2014)】。

为了获得对圆偏振光的调控,他们还提出了L形光学缝隙纳米天线,通过调节天线尺寸改变两个垂直方向上偏振的不同模式的相位,可以获得90度的相位差和相近的强度。当光入射到L形天线上时,利用相位差使得天线上一个臂的激发强度为零,从而调控了激发表面等离激元的方向;当传播的表面等离激元入射到L形天线上时,可以辐射出圆偏振光。这些结果表面利用光学天线可以在纳米尺度对光自旋进行有效的调控,为进一步实现纳米光子学器件打下了基础。该结果即将发表在光学领域的顶级刊物Laser & Photonics Reviews上(http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291863-8899)。


Fig. 1. SEM image of the designed plasmonic display device using optical slot nanoantenna array and the CCD images of the plasmonic display device when the surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) propagated along four different directions. The white arrows on the top right corner of the CCD images show the SPP propagation directions. From Nano Letters 14, 704-709 (2014).

Fig. 1. SEM image of the designed plasmonic display device using optical slot nanoantenna array and the CCD images of the plasmonic display device when the surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) propagated along four different directions. The white arrows on the top right corner of the CCD images show the SPP propagation directions. From Nano Letters 14, 704-709 (2014).

Fig. 2 Directional SPP launching using L-shaped optical slot nanotantennas. (a) SEM image of the experimental sample. (b) SEM image of the L-shaped optical slot nanoantenna array. (c) and (d) are CCD images of the scattering gratings for the left-circularly polarized and right-circularly polarized incident light, respectively. From Laser & Photonics Reviews (in press).

Fig. 2 Directional SPP launching using L-shaped optical slot nanotantennas. (a) SEM image of the experimental sample. (b) SEM image of the L-shaped optical slot nanoantenna array. (c) and (d) are CCD images of the scattering gratings for the left-circularly polarized and right-circularly polarized incident light, respectively. From Laser & Photonics Reviews (in press).